
Hmmm… okay. 

Welcome to my blog.  I use the moniker of ArcticWren.  Ask me why, if you’re interested.  I’m a middle-aged, Midwestern, fairly well traveled woman who loves the English language and tends to think about things way too much.  I’m not particularly insightful or profound, but sometimes I guess I can be interesting and occasionally entertaining (or so I’m told).  And aint’ that what it’s all about?  So take what you want from this.  Or don’t.  But if you don’t, please just make sure you shut the gate behind you so the dog doesn’t get out, eh? 

Unlike many blogs, this is not a journal of any particular aspect of my life, or a chronicle of my days.  Rather, it’s a repository of what’s on my mind.  Or at least of those things that I can’t seem to keep under wraps.   I don’t expect people to come here and read my “stuff”; I don’t even really have hopes that they will.  (Really!)  It’s the potential for somebody coming here, and finding something of intellectual, empathic, or sensualistic value, that spurs me to put this out there.

You see, the idea of potential, to me, is extremely enticing.  It’s the unknown, it’s what’s possible but not plottable. Like I keep telling my kids – you never, ever know what might happen tomorrow, or even what’s around the next corner.  I firmly believe this – you never know where life will lead you.  What happens next could be dull and mundane (or comfortable and familiar).  It could be devastating.  But it might be, it just might be, the most Wonderful. Thing. Ever.

So this endeavor, this blog, this “putting it out there” is just another thread in the fabric of the possible.  If nothing comes of it, then so be it.  I’m not doing this for hits, or for validation, or for vanity.  (Really!) I’m doing it for the potential.  Because potential makes life interesting.  Worth enduring.  Fun.

So if you’ve made it this far – congrats!  Poke around, explore, respond.  It’s all cool.  Really.

And thanks.

4 Responses to “About”

  1. Well, I guess you could say I stalked you and found your blog by accident on your “about me” section of your fb profile.
    I’m glad I did. I needed to hear the third paragraph about potential; I needed to be refocused. Everything is so up in the air for me right now, and I’m feeling kind of all alone. I needed to be reminded that life is an unknowable, amazing, sometimes difficult but never boring adventure into the realms of never-ending Hope.
    Here’s to finding the most Wonderful.Thing.Ever.

  2. Sharon, you have such a gift! I admire you so. I wonder often about you. I could ask how you are, but I think to myself I might already know the answer. I would love to talk with you, if you are up for it…

  3. This could catch on … You know people enjoy reading your words.

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